
Tatjana Knezevic


After years of experience in HR process management in real business, in various industries in the region, she joined the management of Modulor in order to develop organization and team. She holds PhD in Technical Sciences in the field of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, and she holds degree in Psychology from the University of Novi Sad. She has published a number of research papers in the field of Human Resources Management and Organizational Psychology.

For the long time she was in charge as the Executive Director for personnel and organization of a large trading company in the region of Southeast Europe, with more than 13,000 employees and 60 associates in the team. She ran a large number of selection and assessment processes of employees and teams, measured organizational culture and effectiveness of organizations, developed models for evaluating performance. Participated in reorganisations, personnel optimizations, business systems corporatisation, acquisitions and integration processes after company acquisitions. Tatjana has extensive experience in human resource development, conducting various training for management and key personnel, leading large regional education and leadership development programs.

In Modulor she is in charge of HR Management, Legal and General Affairs, and development of organization, teams and individuals, as well as the employer brand. She believes that quality cooperation, incentives based and focused organizational culture, with the highest standards of work, is a prerequisite for achieving excellent business results and company development.

She is licensed consultant for measuring organizational culture and organization effectiveness, and provides coaching, psychotherapy (REBT) and applied TA principle in business.

She enjoys in nature, architecture, travel with her daughters, and research work.